Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War
William was Caleb Slater’s son who went to stay with Thomas Jackson in 1857 (as this letter shows) and was still there in 1859 as revealed in Thomas Jackson’s letter to Caleb dated January 10th 1859 in the main collection. Both of the families were rope makers in earlier years in England.
Reading July 30, 1857
My dear Sisters & Brother,
It’s the fashion here to have ruled letter paper so I may as well write on the lines. Well: I suppose you want to know how I am &c. I came to Reading on Saturday afternoon so I stayed four days with with Mr Hopkin he wanted me to stay Sunday over with them but I thought it would be better to go, so went. Mr Jackson does not live far from the station so I had not much trouble in finding him out, I wrote a letter from Hopkins to tell him that I should see them in a day or two if all was well so when I inquired if Mr Jackson lived here they said yes and asked me if I was the friend from England they were expecting so of course I thought it was my letter that had informed them but after Miss Jackson came down and shook hands and asked how I was & she told me they had been expecting me at the beginning of the week they knew when the ship arrived and had had a letter from some of you Mr. Jackson had written a letter for me to the office of the owners of the ship and I asked them to give it me but I did not get it it as was to direct me the best way of getting up to Reading I think it was very kind and considerate of him. In consequence of my not coming for 3 or 4 days after the arrival of the ship he wrote to Watsons to ask if I had called on them. Well at night when they came from the walk I was expecting to see Thomas & Henry and so I did but it was the Thomas that I thought was dead. I could not help looking at him when he shook hands with me and he was glad very glad to see me out here I was a good while before I knew what to make of it but there we all were at tea and he asking me lots of questions about things at home &
p 2
after tea Henry went with me to the station to fetch my box and I told him what Thomas had a written, he looked at me and laughed and said it was a mistake he meant his grandmother
I’ve had a good many drives out with Mr. Jackson in the four wheel’d carriage he has two one to go to the walk in every day the other for special occasions and a very nice one it is they call them rockaway wagons but they are very nice light carriages the horse they run in harness is a good sized brown one and can go like a four year old although he’s of Mr. Jackson told me that he could trot a mile in 3 minutes, Henry says he could go nearer two and I believe he could with H’s driving for he can make him go faster than his father can, one morning we were going to the walk Harry was sitting on my knee and his father driving Harry started him of and kept on saying get al-o-n-g and laughing at his father because he could not hold him till at last he was obliged to take hold of the reins and bring him up. When I am alone with Mr. Jackson he talks a good deal about different things and tells me how he first came to Reading and began business he and his brother Edward and how they got along and all about it, He has twenty men and 8 lads at work now one of the men was prentice at Burns Gainsburough when Jack Wood was he told me that him and Johnny Wood once called at our house about 18 or 19 years ago and had something with given them When I was talking with one day he said Mr. Jackson had told him that he was expecting a relation from England. Mr. Jackson says I can begin to work when I like or not at all whichever I please but I want to be getting something I want a new vest and another pair of light pants and a linen coat, every body here almost wears
linen coats some are dressed all in white and go to church in their linen coats and straw hats there are plenty of churches here Presbyterians Lutherans Episcopalians Baptists Methodists Roman Catholics & so I shall have to visit each of them to see which I like best the last mentioned one excluded on Sunday night service does not commence till about half past 7 on account of the heat and it is hot here and no mistake about 12 o’clock mourn if you are out walking you have no shaddow scarcely, the sun’s rays come down nearly horizontal it makes the sweat boil out of me above a bit just about the same as when I was in the vapour bath and got the stream pretty well up as you may guess whether you could keeepe your sens wharm or not. [sens = dialect for keep yourselves] There are wagons going round every morning selling ice by the bucket every body has to buy ice and at least those that want to keep them things cool they keep it in the chest and put the meal and cream in to keep it cool the butter has a lump laid on it when it comes on the table and makes it quite hard if you go to get a glass of ale or porter they put a knob of ice in to cool it in the railway cars there is a barrel of water with ice in, there is also another convenience which is not (necessary) for me to mention the railroad goes through one of the streets quite through the town people may walk on the line if they like to run the risk of being killed. the coal trains are very long ones sometimes there are above a hundred wagons some of them less, and the double wagons are larger than those in England. Most of the streets are shaded with trees on each side like Philadelphia streets they are straight running parallel with each other and are crossed by streets in the other direction and distances from each other so the houses are left in
Yesterday Harry and I went a fishing in the river Schuykill that runs close past the town we had a boat one big enough to carry 20 men the night before there had been a very heavy shower so there was a good deal of water in the bottom that made it still heavier so when we got in the stream will began to pull and try which could gain on the other so I laid to with all my might almost and snap went my oar about a yard of the end he stared at me and says you are a great fellow and then began to laugh then me got some string and lashed it and went on and commenced fishing and caught 4 very curious looking fish such as I had never such seen before, the fish did bite very well so we went elsewhere on an island and got some blackberries very fine ones about an inch long and very luscious after we had a good blow out with them we went home, There are a great many grape trees here and plenty of fruit on them but not ripe yet.
What sort of crop of strawberries have you had at Culperton and at home, was the hay got well and did Mr. Watkins farm foreman buy the cow that I brought from Mr. Barford and what did she sell for and are they rearing one of them calves and how are you getting on altogether does Father & Mother keep well and does any body ask you if I’m safe landed and how I like it if so tell them that what I’ve seen of the country at present I like very well. We breakfast just after six dine at 12 tea at 6 or 1/2 past and and sup at 1/2 9 or 10. I felt very hollow towards 11 first day or two but don’t now, the men go to work at 7 and don’t stop till 12 the spinners get done about 5 those that are on by the day shop till 6. When you get a newspaper and put a stampe on and send it here if it’s only a pioneer don’t forget now
I must conclude hoping this will find you all well with kind love to Father & Mother and all of you not forgetting old Aunt (tell her I am going after a while to Watsons with Mr. Jackson) and remain your affectionate brother
Williams Slater.
(A scribbled addendum on top of front page of letter)
Tomorrow is 31st Alfreton fain. I did not think that I should be here this time last year. Remember me to Wilson and Jemina when you write. Thomas Jackson is going on a voyage to San Francisco and will be away for 18 months or two years.
Front of Envelope addressed to:
Mr Caleb Slater
Rope Manufacturer
First envelope: Envelope Addressed to Miss Slater Alfreton (town near Ilkeston and eastwood where other Slaters lived) Derbyshire, England, Europe Our guess is that this envelope probably contained a very first letter that William Slater sent to his father that is now lost but was sent as soon as he arrived in Reading . Postmark Reading 31 1857 (very clear) (On rear) Alfreton Aug 13 1857 So mail between these two locations in those times was about 2 weeks Second Envelope: [3 postmarks on front: Two illegible. 1. America –Liverpool. Paid JY 29 1857 Then elsewhere PAID 24 (crossed out) 48 handwritten over Top left of Envelope has company seal of : William Hopkin Near the Buttonwood Hotel Germantown AV. Heaters, & Ranges, Parlor, Chamber and Cooking Stoves. Heaters, Ranges and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Also a picture of an old, freestanding metal stove. Back of Envelope post mark says Nottingham JY 30 1857 A [This is very clearly legible]
Readers will find that William Slater wrote with very little attention to using commas or full stops/ periods. Here we kept the words and spellings but have often spaced the words to indicate what we believe are really intended to be separate sentences. We also add paragraphs hoping it may speed comprehension. The original form of the letter can of course be seen in its entirety in the scanned copies.
It is interesting to remind ourselves of the ages of the different individuals here
William Slater would have been about 28 years old
Thomas Jackson Snr would have been about 61 years
Thomas Jackson Jnr would have been about 24
Henry / Harry Jackson would have been around 18 years old
And Grandmother Ann Jackson had just passed away on March 1857 at the age of 81
This letter brings out some interesting incidents.
William Slater comes off as slightly less well educated than his uncle Thomas Jackson (Snr) and for example, he speaks of the sun’s rays coming down almost “horizontal” at midday whereas it is clear that he really means vertical.
William delayed traveling directly to Reading by staying 4 days with a Mr Hopkin, who seems to have come originally come from his home town in England. On exploring life in Reading, William was impressed by all the different denominations of churches and the fact that men wore smart linen jackets, often in white. He was also surprised and impressed by the way ice is bought and used in drinks. He remarks on the new types of fish to catch and the huge blackberries by British standards
Also included are the family stories of how William was late in arriving at Thomas Jackson’s home after the boat landed and later how he and Henry had an informal rowing contest in which William broke his oar.
This second envelope comes from the first family that William Slater stayed with when he arrived in Reading, PA (As explaining in the first page of this letter)
We presume that William Hopkin was another English immigrant who was known to William Slater and had probably left the Eastwood / Ilkeston area and had gone to live in America and provided the first few night’s hospitality in Reading.