Thomas Jackson Signature

Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War


The transatlantic ship on which Charles Slater & Lucy Owers met prior to marriage. He was returning on business. She had been ordered to go to her father who had remarried, gone to America, had children, his wife had died and he (a minister) needed someone to look after his kids

Charles Lincoln Slater


Charles Lincoln Slater was the son of William Slater who spent a few years in America with Thomas Jackson and was so impressed with Abraham Lincoln that he gave his name to his English son. CLS was a creator of ceiling and wall embellishments in plaster and terra-cotta that were popular in formal buildings at the time. He himself visited America several times during his life and on one occasion met Gertrude Owers who had been sent over to look after a widowed uncle and who was very ill during the voyage. They eloped, married and lived along lives in Eastwood, England. The couple had 5 children and from them a great deal is known of their strict family life. Two of the daughters became the mothers of the two Ambassadors of this website.