Thomas Jackson Signature

Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War



Caleb Slater with Grandson, Charles Lincoln Slater


Here is more evidence of the long running rope making company run by the Slaters of Eastwood, England.

Hull, 29th October, 1829
Mr Caleb Slater
Bout (= bought)  of Richd Terry & Sons
2 Bales of Polish Hemp
£ 1. 16.1
33 . . . .
Df . . . . 13 N.  32.3.15. @ 43/-
Labourage.     2..
____________________£70. 16.00
For the Etna Tug to the care of Messr Flower and Son
of Gainsbro of from Thomas J  Simpson’s Boat

This reflects the source of much of the (non drug) hemp that rope makers in the these times used.
Rope making is no longer a much discussed craft but for years (from the building of the Egyptian pyramids to moving heavy material around for generations), rope manufacture was an important feature of early societies.