Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War
Note that this bill was received by Caleb Slater, not sent by him.
1936-09-18 inv to Caleb Slater
Hull, Sept 18 1836
Mr C. Slater,
Dr Sir
We have your esteemed favor of the 10th inst with two bills value which appears at the credit or your account with thanks. 33£
Hemp is much advanced and likely to be still higher however we have sent you two Bales of such hemp as will please, we are expecting upwards of 100 tons Clean hemp which area frais will be nearly the price of the superior hemp sent you. The favor of you further command will oblige. Dr Sir, yr rest Ino Torr
PS in one of the Bales you will find a small present.
Hull 12th sept 1836
Mr Caleb Slater
Bought of John Torr & co
2 Bales Petersburg Cut Clear Hemp
59 – 18 – 5
Laborage 2-0
£60 . 0. 5
for Purleys to Gainebro
then p – 1st John Boat
Cover directions on outside
Mr Caleb Slater
Eastwood, Nr Nottingham
Post mark Hull SE 13, 1836