Thomas Jackson Signature

Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War



Caleb buying building land



Eastwood , near Nottingham

Nov 21 1867

Dear Sir,

I enclose a copy of the instructions I have this day given to Mr Browne. I have had the ground pegged and gripped out this afternoon, so you can take possession and commence to build as soon as it suits your convenience.

I presume Mr Bowne will the right in making the deeds out in the name of “Caleb Slater”

Yours ?

Robt Harrison

Mr C Slater



Nov 21st 1867

Sold to Mr Caleb Slater 472  yards of land at 5/6 (5 shillings and 6 pence) per yard £129-16-0 bounded on the south by the Nottingham Turnpike Road, on the east by Coniah Carlow and on the East and North by land in the possession of R Harrison.

The fences on the North & West to be made by Caleb Slater.

A plan of the land will be on the Deeds


This purchase took place a year before Caleb passed away. We do not know the motive for this purchase or even whether Caleb was wealthy after his life time of work.  (One letter from Thomas Jackson suggests he was not well off throughout his life.)