Thomas Jackson Signature

Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War



Example of business correspondence


Again this is a letter to Caleb Slater, not from him.

This invoice is basically a single sheet of paper folded and sealed with wax.

Front of folder sheet


Mr Caleb Slater


Nr Nottingham

Rear of folder sheet

A post mark visible as 2 14  17

Page 1

Hull 14 Feby, 1837

Mr C Slater


Dear Sir

We have your favour of the 11th inst in reply to which we have sent you 2 bales of best Petersburg Clean Hemp    this hemp left Pa stream Tug this morning and we hope in a few days it will be safe at hand,   When you visit Hull, we shall have  pleasure in seeing you and you may depend that no house all serve you better.     In the No 8 bale you will find 2 pairs of Russian slippers for yourself and iPair of Russian shoes for Mrs Slater of which please accept with my best compliments.  we must not forget the ladies therefore I have sent your better half a small present  ?  Jon Torr

Page 2

Hull 13th February 1837

Mr Caleb Slater


Bought of John Torr & Co

2 Bales of Petersburg Clean Hemp

                                cwts.     st.    ibs

   S E no8   weighing 23 0 2

and weighing 24 0 2



Deposit 0 0 18


46314 c 33/.      


Laorage  0 2 4


£77 9 3

4 & 2 allos

for Furleys Steam Tug Trent   13 th Feb /37

Thence for Derry’s Boats

It is amusing to note that even in those days, vendors saw the benefits of encouraging further business by giving presents to the buyer’s family!