Thomas Jackson Signature

Passionate Abolitionist and
Witness to the American Civil War



John Watson is making William Slater challenge his father about his religion


A most unusual scrap of paper cut from a larger sheet but seemingly complete in its message.

William Slater appears to have been converted by the influence of John Watson and is now being asked to persuade his father to do likewise

Front of Envelope:
Caleb Slater
Rope manufacturer, Eastwood,
Nr Nottingham

America Liverpool paid Ja 4 58
Also a faint note
Metuchen NJ Dec 18th

Rear of Envelope:
Two postmarks
Eastwood Jan 5, 1858,
Nottingham Jan 5, 1858

My dear father,

Cousin John wishes me to copy the following. He asked me if you had made a public profession of religion before the unbelieving world and had become some member of the visible church and was surprised to learn that you had not and wishes wishes to know your reasons as the Scriptures teach us that Christ the head of the church is author of the two sacraments Baptism and the Lord’s Supper and especially says do this in remembrance of me as often and which is as express as thou shalt not steal. That commandment was not initiated for Angels but for sinners and it is the absolute duty of every penitent sinner to avail himself of the privilege. Now to partake with humbling hand and fearful heart is not to eat and drink unworthily but to pour take for the fashion’s sake or popularity and not for the commandments sake this is too this is partake unworthily. Christ expressly says if you love me keep my commandments. The Scriptures teach from beginning to end that it is the duty of believers to join the church militant that he may be a member of the Church triumphant in glory    he hopes to meet with all his English friends in Heaven and spend a joyful eternity together in the praises of redeeming love.

he again sends his love and best wishes to you all especially to his Aunt Riley and is thankful to hear that she has laid up treasure in Heaven. May God direct and lead you is the fervent prayer of your affectionate son


We can only guess what Caleb Slater felt about this letter from his son, now in America. It appears that “Cousin John” (=John Watson) was using William Slater to pressure his father to follow his religion in the manner that he felt was appropriate.  Not a lot of tact here displayed!

In several parts of the collection, it becomes evident that the Watsons are fervent about expanding their religious views. It is hard to imagine how this unsolicited and impertinent message would be well received by Caleb Slater.

William had 5 siblings, two of which brought up his son, Charles Lincoln Slater, following the death of his wife in childbirth.